> 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM源码程序 > 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM\LS_SVMlab\eign.m

    function [V,D,Ann] = eign(A1, A2,A3, args)
% Find the principal eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix with Nystr鰉's low rank approximation method
% >>  D     = eign(A, nb)
% >> [V, D] = eign(A, nb)
% In the case of using this method for low rank approximation and
% decomposing the kernel matrix, one can call the function without
% explicit construction of the matrix A.
% >>  D     = eign(X, kernel, kernel_par, nb)
% >> [V, D] = eign(X, kernel, kernel_par, nb)
% Full syntax
%  (We denote the size of positive definite matrix A with a*a.)
%     1. Given the full matrix:
% >>  D    = eign(A,nb)
% >> [V,D] = eign(A,nb)
%       Outputs    
%         V(*)  : a x nb matrix with estimated principal eigenvectors of A
%         D     : nb x 1 vector with principal estimated eigenvalues of A
%       Inputs    
%         A     : a*a positive definite symmetric matrix
%         nb(*) : Number of approximated principal eigenvalues/eigenvectors
%     2. Given the function to calculate the matrix elements:
% >>  D = eign(X, kernel, kernel_par, n)
% >> [V,D] = eign(X, kernel, kernel_par, n)
%       Outputs    
%         V(*)       : a x nb matrix with estimated principal eigenvectors of A
%         D          : nb x 1 vector with estimated principal eigenvalues of A
%       Inputs    
%         X          : N x d matrix with the training data
%         kernel     : Kernel type (e.g. 'RBF_kernel')
%         kernel_par : Kernel parameter (bandwidth in the case of the 'RBF_kernel')
%         nb(*)      : Number of eigenvalues/eigenvectors used in the eigenvalue decomposition approximation
% See also:
%   eig, eigs, kpca, bay_lssvm

% Copyright (c) 2002,  KULeuven-ESAT-SCD, License & help @

if size(A1,1)~=size(A1,2)
  X = A1;
  kernel = A2;
  kernel_par = A3;
  N = size(X,1);
  eval(['if A4<1, error(''strict positive number of eigenvalues required;'');else n = A4; end;'],...
  % random sampling
  s = randperm(N); sr=s(n+1:end); s=s(1:n); 
  %s = ceil(1:(N-1)/(n-1):N); s = s(1:n);
  ANn = zeros(n,N);
  ANn = kernel_matrix(X,kernel,kernel_par,X(s,:));
  Ann = ANn(s,:);

  % centering of matrix
  Zc = eye(n) - 1/n;
  %ZC = eye(N) - 1/N;
  Ann = Zc*Ann*Zc;
  %ANn = ZC*ANn*Zc;
  ANn = (Zc*(ANn*Zc)')';
  A = A1;
  N = size(A,1);
  eval(['if A4<1, error(''strict positive number of eigenvalues required;'');else n = A4; end;'],...
  % random sampling
  s = randperm(N); sr=s(n+1:end); s=s(1:n); 
  %s = ceil(1:(N-1)/(n-1):N); s = s(1:n);

  ANn = A(:,s);
  Ann = A(s,s);

% compute eigenvalues en vectors of low rank approximation
[Vn,Dn] = eig(Ann);Dn = diag(Dn);

% select only relevant eigenvalues and sort
% (only largest eigenvectors are orthogonal)
[Dn,peff] = sort(Dn(find(Dn>1000*eps)));
Dn = Dn(end:-1:1); peff = peff(end:-1:1);
Vn = Vn(:,peff);

% Nystrom correction
D = (N/n).*Dn;

% eigenvectoren correctie
if nargout>1,
  %V = zeros(n,length(peff));
  for i=1:length(peff),
    V(:,i) = (sqrt(n/N)/Dn(peff(i)))*ANn*Vn(:,peff(i));    
  % correction of found eigenvectors:
  % orthogonal and unit length

  % svd
  %[V,D2,ff] = svd(V*diag(D.^.5));   V = V(:,1:length(peff));
  % gram schmidt
  %[V,r] = gramschmidt2(V);
  %D = D.*r;

  %D = diag(D.^2);